Partial bibliography. Copies of some of these publications are available on request.
Saul, John M. (2023): "Gemstone Occurrences and Circular Meteorite-Impact Scars: the gemmology tail wags the geology dog”, The Australian Gemmologist, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 130-135.
Saul, John M. (2022): “The Mayerling Mystery and the Naming of Lake Rudolf”, Old Africa,no. 104 (Dec. 2022–Jan 2023), pp. 34-39.
Saul, John M. (2022): "Gemstone Deposits of Eastern Kenya and Tanzania Controlled by Ancient Meteorite Impacts and Continental Collision – an Exploration Model", The Australian Gemmologist, vol. 28, no. 1, pp.15-24
Saul, John M. (2021 [2022]): "The Ends of the Earth", Mother Tongue, vol. 23, pp.179-190. 10.31826/mot-2021-230110
Saul, John and Charles E. Haines, Jr. (2022): “Influenza Pandemic of 1918: Second Update”, Life: The Excitement of Biology (LEB), vol.10(1), pp. 69-70.
Saul, John (2022): “Loss of Vocal Fold Membranes and the Origin of Language”, Life: The Excitement of Biology (LEB), vol.10(1), p.71.
Boucot, Arthur J., with edits by John M. Saul and John B. Southard (2021): Some Thoughts About the Evolution of Human Behavior: A Literature Survey, Archaeopress Publishing, Oxford, 236pp.
Saul, John M. (2021): An Extra Player on the Playing Field of History, Peter Lang, 274pp.
Saul, John M. (2021): "The Cambrian explosion as a Black Box: a qualitative appreciation", International Geology Review,64(16), pp. 2378-2384. https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2021.2015631
Saul, John M. (2019): "Timkat: A Christian Ethiopian Celebration with ancient roots", Old Africa, no. 86, pp.14-18, Naivasha, Kenya.
Saul, John M. (2019): What the Stork brought: African click-speakers and the spread of humanity’s oldest beliefs, Old Africa Press, Naivasha, Kenya, viii, 109pp.
Saul, John M. (2019): "Homosexuality as a Necessary Outcome of Variation", Life: The Excitement of Biology (LEB), vol. 6(2), pp.44-46. https://blaypublishers.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/saul-leb-62-25-january-2019.pdf
Saul, John M. (2018): "Flickering Flames over the Libyan Desert?", International Geology Review, vol. 46(10), pp.1340-1369.10.1080/00206814.2018.1512057
Saul, John M. (on-line 25 July 2017; print 2018): "Transparent gemstones and the most recent supercontinent cycle", International Geology Review, vol. 60(7), pp.889-910. 10.1080/00206814.2017.1354730 http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/HujcANSxB2f2Xj6p2sYX/full
Kolesnikov, Anton Yu., John M. Saul & Vladimir G. Kutcherov (2017): "Chemistry of Hydrocarbons Under Extreme Thermobaric Conditions", ChemistrySelect, vol. 2(4), pp.1336-1352. 10.1002/slct.201601123.
Sorokina, Elena S., Delia Rösel, Tobias Häger, Regina Mertz-Kraus & John M. Saul (2017): "LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of rutile inclusions within corundum (rubyand sapphire): new constraints on the formation of corundum deposits along the Mozambique belt",Mineralium Deposita, vol. 52(5), pp. 641-649. 10.1007/s00126-017-0732-x
Sorokina, Elena S., Wolfgang Hofmeister, Tobias Häger, Regina Mertz-Kraus, Stephan Buhre and John M. Saul (2016): "Morphological and chemical evolution of corundum (ruby and sapphire): Crystal ontogeny reconstructed by EMPA, LA-ICP-MS, and Cr3+ Raman mapping", American Mineralogist, vol. 101(12), pp.2716-2722. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2016-5614
Saul, J.M. (2016): "The ruby mine of Longido", Old Africa, no. 64, April–May, pp.18-19.
Saul, J.M. (2016): "Deep 'plugs' caught in continent-to-continent collisions, gemstones, deposits of metals, oil & gas", 35th International Geological Congress (Cape Town, 27 Aug.–4 Sept.) Abstract Paper 149. https://www.americangeosciences.org/sites/default/files/igc/149.pdf
Saul, John M. (2014): A Geologist Speculates, Les 3 Colonnes, Paris, 159pp., ISBN 978-2-37081-004-5
Saul, J.M. (2013): “Chronique de la découverte de trois mines historiques de gemmes en Afrique de l’Est”, Cahier 2 Règne Minéral, "Les Gemmes du Gondwana", pp.89-96.
Feneyrol J., Giuliani G., Ohnenstetter D., Fallick A.E., Martelat J.M., Monié P., Dubessy C., Rollion-Bard Cl., Le Goff E., Malisa E., Rakotondrazafy A.F.M., Pardieu V., Kahn T., Ichang'i D., Venance E., Voarintsoa N.R., Ranatsenho M., Simonet C., Omito E., Nyamai C., Saul M., Saul E., Saul J. (2013):“À la poursuite du grenat vert vanadifère”, Cahier 2, Règne Minéral, "Les Gemmes du Gondwana", pp.57-70.
Saul, John M. (2013): The Tale Told in All Lands, E/dite, Paris, reissued by Les 3 Colonnes, Paris, 624pp. ISBN 978-2-37081-005-2
Feneyrol, Julien, Gaston Giuliani, Daniel Ohnenstetter, Elizabeth Le Goff, E.P.J. Malisa, Mark Saul, Eric Saul, John Saul and Vincent Pardieu (2010): “Lithostratigraphic and structural controls of 'tsavorite' deposits at Lemshuku, Merelani area, Tanzania”, C.R. Géosciences, vol. 342, pp.778-785. 10.1016/j.crte.2010.06.003
Ferrière L., B. Devouard, S. Goderis, P. Vincent, D. Bernon, R. Lorillard and J.M. Saul (2009): Petrographic and geochemical study of an anomalous melt rock from the Gilf Kebir plateau, close to the Libyan desert glass area, Egypt, 72nd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Abstract 5384.
Omelyanchuk, Leonid V., Julya A. Pertseva and John M. Saul (2009): "Evolutionary origin of the tumor suppressor Hyperplastic discs protein", Silico Biology, vol. 9, pp.1-5; on-line 27 April 2009; Bioinformation Systems e.V: http://www.bioinfo.de/isb/2009/09/0017/
Wilson,Wendell E., John M. Saul, Vincent Pardieu and Richard W. Hughes (2009):"The MerelaniTanzanite Mines, Lelatema Mountains, Arusha Region, Tanzania", Mineralogical Record, vol.40(5), Full Issue, September/October.
Schwarz, D., V. Pardieu, J.M. Saul, K. Schmetzer, B.M. Laurs, G. Giuliani, L. Klemm, A.-K. Malsy, E. Erel, C. Hauzenberger, G. Du Toit, A.E. Fallick and D. Ohnenstetter (2008): "Rubies and Sapphires from Winza, Central Tanzania", Gems & Gemology, vol. 44(4), pp.322–347.
Saul, John M. (2008): "Did detoxification processes cause complex life to emerge?", Lethaia, vol. 42, pp. 179-184; on-line 21 August 2008. 10.1111/j.1502-3931.2008.00126.x
Saul, John (2007-2008): "Tanzanite: Its discovery and early days", InColor, insert. (Originally misprinted, then corrected and re-issued as a 2-page insert in the issue of Fall-Winter 2007-2008). Reworked and reprinted with additional illustrations (2008) as "Goan Prospector Discovers Tanzanite", Old Africa, no. 16 (April-May 2008) pp.10-12.
Saul, John M. (2007): "Origin of the phyla and cancer", Lethaia, vol. 40(4), pp.359-363.
Saul, John M. and Laurent Schwartz (2007): "Cancer as a consequence of the rising level of oxygen in the Late Precambrian", Lethaia, vol. 40(3), pp.211-220.
Saul, John M. (2006): "'Ice Meteorites': Is it prudent to ignore anecdotal reports?", Meteorite, vol. 12(2), pp.20-21
Deschamps, Y., E. Le Goff, J.P. Milesi, C. Simonet, S. Muhongo, B.A. Mcharo, H.A.B. Kampunzu, P. Pinna, F. Ralay and J.M. Saul (March 2006): Géologie et Minéralisations à gemmes d'Afrique de l'Est,1:4,000,000 (map), BRGM, 45060 Orleans, France.
Saul, John M. (2002): “Was the first language purposefully invented?”, Mother Tongue: Journal of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory, no.VII, pp.259-264.
Mercier, Alain, P. Debat and J.M. Saul (1999): “Exotic origin of the ruby deposits of the Mangari area in SE Kenya”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol.14, pp.83-104.
Saul, John M. and A.L. Lawniczak (1996): “Meteorite falls in June: Two sets of observations”, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.101, No. E7 (25 July 1996) pp.16,905-16,907.
Saul, J. (1996): “Electrum in Antiquity: Why was one word used for two substances?”, TheAustralian Gemmologist, vol.19(7), pp.285-287.
Saul, John M. (1994): “Cancer and Autoimmune disease: A Cambrian couple?”, Geology, vol. 22(1) p.5. https://doi.org/10.1130/0091-7613(1994)022<0005:CAADAC>2.3.CO;2
Saul, J. (1994): “‘As it is Above, So Shall it be Below’: the Blueprint of Civilization”, Archaeoastronomy: Journal of the Center of Archaeoastronomy, Vol. XI-1989-1993, pp.104-107, College Park, MD.
Saul, John M. (1990): "Large Precambrian impact sites lacking the usual criteria for shock metamorphism", International Workshop on Meteorite Impact on the Early Earth, Perth, Australia (Sept. 1990), Lunar and Planetary Institute, LPI Contribution 746, NASA-CR-185355, pp.44-45.
Saul, John M. and Janice A. Glaholm (1985): Rennes-le-Château: A Bibliography,Mercurius Press, London, 52pp. ISBN 0 9510517 0 9
Neev, David, J.K. Hall and J.M. Saul (1981): “The Pelusium Megashear System across Africa and associated Lineament Swarms”, Journal of Geophysical Research (Red), Paper 1B1392 (10 Feb. 1982) pp.1015-1030.
Saul, John M. (1981): “The Origin of Diamonds and the Deep Gas Hypothesis”, Proceedings of the XVIII International Gemmological Conference, Journal of the Gemmological Society of Japan[宝石学会誌], vol. 8, nos. 1-4 (Dec.1981) pp.79-85.
Saul, John M. (1978): “Circular structures of large scale and great age on the Earth’s surface”, Nature, vol. 271, no.5643, pp.345-349.https://doi.org/10.1038/271345a0
Konta, Jiri and J.M. Saul (1976): “Moldavites and a Survey of Other Naturally Occurring Glasses”, Journal of Gemmology, vol. XV(4), pp.179-204.
Jobbins, E.A., J.M. Saul, A.E. Tresham and B.R. Young (1975): “Blue Colour-Change Gem Garnet from East Africa”, Journal of Gemmology, vol. XIV(5), pp.201-208.
Naeser, C.W. and J.M. Saul (1974): “Fission Track Dating of Tanzanite”, American Mineralogist, vol.59, pp.613-614.
Saul, John M. (1970) “Gemstones in Gondwanaland”, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, vol. 51, no. 11, Abstract T19, p. 825.
Saul, John M. (1969): “Study of the Spanish Diggings, Aboriginal Flint Quarries of Southeastern Wyoming”, National Geographic Society Research Reports - 1964 Projects, pp.183-199.
Saul, John M. (1969): “Field Investigations at Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana) and in the Ivory Coast Tektite Strewnfield”, National Geographic Society Research Reports - 1964 Projects, pp.201-212.
Saul, John M. (1966): “The Accraian Series (Devonian of Accra, Ghana)”, Journal of the West African Science Association, vol.10(2), pp.83-98, Ibadan. |